Home UK Store surveys www.smoothhound.co.uk/survey.html – Smooth Hound Customer Survey

www.smoothhound.co.uk/survey.html – Smooth Hound Customer Survey

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Smooth Hound Customer Survey

Smooth Hound is an online directory of hotels and guest houses, designed to help travellers book their next great adventure. With 1000s of option to choose from, and a range that’s both suitable for business trips and budget holidays, you’ll find exactly what you’re after at Smooth Hound. Enter their customer survey and rate their website at www.smoothhound.co.uk/survey.html.

Smooth Hound UK Hotel and Guest Survey

Why do you use Smooth Hound when you’re booking accommodation? What do you think of the range of hotels, bed and breakfast rooms and guest houses available? Is there something Smooth Hound could do to improve their website, and you next holiday? Tell Smooth House about your experience by filling in their guest survey www.smoothhound.co.uk/survey.html.

Entering Smooth Hound Hotel Guide Survey – www.smoothhound.co.uk/survey.html

This survey has just 10 questions and does not take long to complete.

  1. Visit www.smoothhound.co.uk/survey.html.
  2. Select the country you live in and the country you would like to book a hotel in.
  3. Indicate how you would like to book your hotel.
  4. Select your age.
  5. Tell Smooth Hound how you found out about their site.
  6. Indicate how long you have been using Smooth Hound and how often you use the site.
  7. Select the type of booking you organised through Smooth Hound.
  8. Give Smooth Hound a score, based on the helpfulness of the site.
  9. Make additional comments in the space provided.
  10. Click ‘send survey’ to finish.

About Smooth Hound Hotel Guide Survey

Survey Website: www.smoothhound.co.uk/survey.html
Official Website: www.smoothhound.co.uk
Thank-you for entering the survey! Your feedback is important to Smooth Hound.