Home UK Store surveys www.leedsbs-secure.co.uk/mortgage-survey – Leeds Building Society

www.leedsbs-secure.co.uk/mortgage-survey – Leeds Building Society

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Leeds Building Society

Have you recently taken out a mortgage or currently looking for one that suits you? What do you look for when researching mortgages? Leeds Building Society is conducting research on what factors you look for when taking out a mortgage. If you want to give your opinion or details of your experience good or bad then take a look at the below survey.

Leeds Building Society Customer Survey

Leeds Building Society want to ensure that their customers receive the best possible service by finding out what is most important to both new and existing mortgage customers. The short questionnaire will give you the chance to provide feedback on your experience when taking out a mortgage or what you would like to see in the future.


To complete the survey, go to www.leedsbs-secure.co.uk/mortgage-survey and answer the multiple-choice questions. This will help Leeds Building Society to improve services and give insight into what you want out of a Mortgage lender.

About Leeds Building Society Customer Survey

Website: www.leedsbs-secure.co.uk/mortgage-survey