Home UK Store surveys www.britishgas.co.uk/contactus/Survey – British Gas Survey

www.britishgas.co.uk/contactus/Survey – British Gas Survey

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British Gas Survey

British Gas the largest energy company in the UK, supplying energy to almost 12 million households. British Gas also provides services such as boiler and heating service and replacement, insurance for appliances, electrical, plumbing and the home, as well as energy saving services. If you are a customer of British Gas, let this company know how they are doing by entering their survey at www.britishgas.co.uk/contactus/Survey.

British Gas Customer Service Feedback Form – share your thoughts

What services does British Gas provide you and your family with? Do they supply energy to your home or do you have an insurance policy with them? How would you rate the customer service at British Gas? Would you recommend this company to your friends and family? Now is your chance to tell British Gas your thoughts in their latest survey www.britishgas.co.uk/contactus/Survey.

How to Enter British Gas Survey – www.britishgas.co.uk/contactus/Survey

It’s never been easier to complete this survey.

  1. Visit the survey page www.britishgas.co.uk/contactus/Survey.
  2. Indicate how likely you are to recommend British Gas to others.
  3. Rate your overall satisfaction with the customer service you received.
  4. Indicate whether or not the Customer Service Advisor answered all of your questions.
  5. Indicate if your enquiry was resolved or not.
  6. Rate the amount of effort you believed was put into your request by the staff at British Gas.
  7. Leave comments explaining why you selected the above scores.
  8. Click ‘submit’ to complete the survey.

About British Gas Survey

Survey Link: www.britishgas.co.uk/contactus/Survey
Official Website: www.britishgas.co.uk
Thanks for reading our review. Your feedback is important and will be used to improve British Gas.