Home UK Store surveys www.bellaitalia-feedback.com – Bella Italia Customer Feedback Survey

www.bellaitalia-feedback.com – Bella Italia Customer Feedback Survey

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Bella Italia Customer Feedback Survey

Part of the Tragus Group of restaurants, Bella Italia serve Italian cuisine with a broad menu of dishes such as antipasti, calzone, pizza and pasta for lunch or dinner in locations throughout the UK.

Bella Italia Customer Feedback Survey

As the Bella Italia brand continues to grow, they want to ensure that the service and food quality is excellent. Bella Italia want your feedback to find out what the restaurants in selected locations currently do well and what could be improved in future.

How to Enter Bella Italia Survey – www.bellaitalia-feedback.com

To enter the survey visit www.bellaitalia-feedback.com and select the location of the Bella Italia restaurant visited, date and time of visit. Rate your customer experience on a scale of 1-10 including service, cleanliness and quality of food. There is a completion bar at the top of the page that lets you know how far you are from finishing the survey. To complete the survey you will also need to enter your name and email address at the end of the survey.

About Bella Italia Customer Feedback Survey

Website: www.bellaitalia-feedback.com
Good luck and thanks for entering the Bella Italia Survey!