Home UK Competitions www.thorntons.co.uk/mumoftheyear – Thorntons Mum of the Year Competition

www.thorntons.co.uk/mumoftheyear – Thorntons Mum of the Year Competition

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Thorntons Mum of the year Competition is your chance to thank your mum for everything she does and maybe even get a chance to win some great prizes for you both including chocolates and a getwaway break. Is your mum a super mum? Enter the Thorntons Mum of the Year Competition and tell her why at www.thorntons.co.uk/mumoftheyear

Thorntons Mum of the Year Competition 2014

Every year Thorntons create a competition for you to nominate your mum in the Mum of the Year. All you need to do is write a brief description of why your mum deserves the pamper break and of course the years supply of delicious Thorntons chocolates.

www.thorntons.co.uk/mumoftheyear – Win a Pamper Break for you & your mum

Entering is easy, visit www.thorntons.co.uk/mumoftheyear and type into the box why your mum deserves to win the grand prize of a pamper break in a Menzies Hotel and a years supply of Thorntons Chocolates. Enter your name, email and phone number as well as you mum’s name, email and phone number and click to submit. Entries are open to UK residents only aged 18 and over. The full Thorntons Competition Terms and Condtiions can be found at the bottom of the page at www.thorntons.co.uk/mumoftheyear

About Thorntons Mum of the Year Competition 2014

Thorntons Competition Website: www.thorntons.co.uk/mumoftheyear
Competition Closing date: 31 December 2014