Home UK Store surveys December 2012 UK Top 10 Surveys

December 2012 UK Top 10 Surveys

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Here is a list of our most popular UK surveys for December:
Over December, the UK surveys that have continued to be popular are Marks & Spencer, Boots, Primark and Iceland with great savings, Christmas gifts and quality products that keep customers coming back for more and rating their experience in the online surveys. This months list is very similar to last months, have you got a particular favourite you think should be in the top ten for January? Here are the most popular surveys and prizes you could win.

  1. yourmandsviews.com
    By giving your feedback while shopping at M&S over the holidays, you will be entered into the prize draw to win £250. What did you think of the staff, clothing and food quality at M&S?
  2. www.ourboots.com
    Win £200 Advantage Card Points or £100 Gift Card in the Our Boots Survey. With fragrances, beauty products and pharmacy there is lots you can tell Boots about and maybe even win a prize!
  3. www.tellprimark.co.uk
    Did you find some bargains at Primark over the holidays? Did you enjoy shopping for the latest fashion or was there something that could be improved? Tell Primark what you thought and you could win £1000 cash in the prize draw!
  4. www.myiceland.co.uk
    Another survey offering a grand prize of £1000, My Iceland Survey continues to be popular not just with mums but dads, grans and singles! Customers are enjoying the delivery service, friendly smiles and bargain food found at Iceland stores.
  5. www.talktodunelm.co.uk/survey
    Shopped at Dunelm Mill over Christmas to get your home ready for friends and family coming to stay? Get a chance to win £250 Dunelm Mill Gift Card just by giving your opinion on the service and products you received.
  6. www.ourbootspharmacy.com
    Another survey for Boots, this one focuses on the Pharmacy department at Boots and the experience you received while ordering a prescription, getting advice or buying medical supplies. Tell Our Boots Pharmacy what you thought of their service in the online survey.
  7. www.tellasda.com
    If you have shopped in Asda over the holidays for your turkey, chicken and all the trimmings, tell Asda what you thought about your experience. There is also a sweepstakes prize of £1000 t to be won at the end of the survey.
  8. www.tellpizzahut.co.uk
    Win £1000 cash in the Tell Pizza Hut survey. With a 2 for 1 voucher to spend at Pizza Hut restaurants, this survey is easy to complete to claim your prize.
  9. www.tkmaxxcare.com
    Customers are enjoying shopping at TK Maxx for the unique clothing and service received. What did you think about your recent visit to a TK Maxx store? Give your opinion to be in with a chance of winning £1000.
  10. www.harvesterbringoutthebest.co.uk
    Customers are visiting Harvester pubs throughout the country and rating their experience in the online survey. With great feedback on the service and food, how does your local Harvester compare? This survey also has a £1,000 cash prize to be won in the sweepstakes.